Co-Facilitiating Upcoming Workshop

I am excited to announce that myself and Corina Mattson, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Director of Programs and Administration at Live Oak Chicago, will be co-facilitating a training on Working Affirmatively with Sexually Diverse Clients on September 30th. This training will be held at NCRC from 9-12pm, including time before and after for networking. Many clinicians believe that competent practice with sexually diverse individuals is not significantly different than practice with any other client or population with the exception, perhaps, of additional sensitivity. This workshop will explore how negotiating a sexually diverse identity poses distinct clinical challenges and requires a unique body of knowledge and skills. Participants will build a common language for learning, and explore contemporary models of affirmative practice with sexually diverse populations that incorporates developmental, strengths-based, and post-modern approaches. Looking forward to seeing you there. Click here to register.